Kondumal | Divyayug Matrimony Magazine Marriage Service for Kannivadi - Kannauj - Kannapuram
Arya Samaj, Arya Samaj Mandir, Arya Samaj Marriage, Head Office, Aryasamaj Court Marriage और प्रादेशिक कार्यालय तथा इससे मिलते-जुलते नामों से इंटरनेट पर अनेक प्रकार के फर्जी वेबसाईट एवं गुमराह करने वाले आकर्षक विज्ञापन प्रसारित हो रहे हैं। अत: जनहित में सूचना दी जाती है कि इनके द्वारा आर्यसमाज विधि से विवाह संस्कार करवाने से पूर्व यह पूरी तरह सुनिश्चित कर लें कि इनके द्वारा किया जा रहा कार्य शासन द्वारा मान्य एवं लिखित अनुमित प्राप्त तथा आर्यसमाज विवाह कराने हेतु Authorized रजिस्टर्ड संस्था में हो रहा है या नहीं। ‘आर्यसमाज मन्दिर अन्नपूर्णा बैंक कॉलोनी’ इन्दौर में अखिल भारत आर्यसमाज ट्रस्ट द्वारा संचालित एकमात्र Authorized Legal आर्यसमाज मन्दिर है। इन्दौर में इसके अतिरिक्त ट्रस्ट का अन्य कोई Authorized मन्दिर या शाखा अथवा केन्द्र नहीं है। Beware of fraud fake arya samaj legal awareness आर्यसमाज होने का दावा करने वाले किसी बड़े भवन या हॉल अथवा चमकदार ऑफिस को देखकर गुमराह और भ्रमित ना हों। इसके लिए सम्बन्धित संस्था को शासन द्वारा प्रदत्त आर्यसमाज विधि से अन्तरजातीय आदर्श विवाह करवा सकने हेतु लिखित अनुमित अवश्य देख लें, ताकि आपके साथ किसी तरह की धोखाधड़ी न हो सके। सावधान करने के बाद भी जाने-अनजाने यदि आप गलत जगह फंसते हैं या धोखाधड़ी के शिकार होते हैं तो अखिल भारत आर्यसमाज ट्रस्ट की कोई जवाबदारी नहीं होगी। Kindly ensure that you are solemnising your marriage with a registered organisation and do not get mislead by large building and hall. ‘आर्यसमाज अन्नपूर्णा बैंक कॉलोनी इन्दौर’ के कानूनी सलाहकारों की टीम द्वारा वैवाहिक जोड़ों की कानूनी सुरक्षा (Legal Safety) एवं पुलिस संरक्षण (Police Protection) हेतु नियमित मार्गदर्शन (Legal Advice) दिया जाता है। Beware of fraud and fake organizations representing Arya Samaj | Arya Samaj Vivah | Marriage Helpline Indore | All India Arya Samaj 9300441615 | Arya Samaj Indore | Arya Samaj | Inter Caste Marriage Helpline Indore | Arya Samaj Vivah Pooja Indore | Vedic Vivah Indore | Marriage by Arya Samaj Indore | Legal Marriage by Arya Samaj Indore. जनहित में आवश्यक सूचना - आर्य समाज से विवाह के इच्छुक ध्यान दें, धोखाधड़ी से बचें ! नक्कालों व शादी-माफिया दलालों से सावधान !
भारत सरकार के पब्लिक ट्रस्ट अधिनियम (Indian Public Trust Act) के अन्तर्गत पंजीकृत ‘अखिल भारत आर्यसमाज ट्रस्ट’ एक सामाजिक-शैक्षणिक-धार्मिक-पारमार्थिक अखिल भारतीय ट्रस्ट है। मध्यप्रदेश में अखिल भारत आर्यसमाज ट्रस्ट के Recognized & Approved Legal केन्द्र केवल चार हैं, जो कि इन्दौर में अन्नपूर्णा, भोपाल में बैरागढ़, जबलपुर में चेरीताल एवं छिन्दवाड़ा में चान्द में है।
अधिक जानकारी के लिए सम्पर्क करें -
आर्यसमाज मन्दिर अन्नपूर्णा
अखिल भारत आर्यसमाज ट्रस्ट
बैंक ऑफ इण्डिया के पास
नरेन्द्र तिवारी मार्ग, बैंक कॉलोनी
दशहरा मैदान के सामने
अन्नपूर्णा, इन्दौर (म.प्र.)
दूरभाष – 0731-2489383, 09302101186
Arya Samaj Mandir Annapurna Indore
Akhil Bharat Arya Samaj Trust
Narendra Tiwari Marg
Near Bank of India
Opp. Dussehra Maidan
Bank Colony, Annapurna
Indore (M.P.) 452009
Tel. : 0731-2489383, 9302101186
व्यक्ति की सारी महत्वकांक्षाएं आत्मविश्वास के बल पर ही पूरी होती है, साक्षात्कार में आपका आत्मविकास ही चयन का कारण बनता है। यही आपको कार्य करने की प्रेरणा देता है और कार्य में सफलता का मार्ग भी दिखलाता है।
All the ambitions of a person are fulfilled only on the strength of self-confidence, your self-development in the interview is the reason for the selection. This motivates you to work and also shows you the path of success in your work.
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कई बार ऐसा भी होता है कि पूर्व निर्धारित लक्ष्य की प्राप्ति असंभव सी लगती है, ऐसी स्थिति में पूर्व निर्धारित लक्ष्य से संबंधित चीजों पर भी ध्यान देना चाहिए। यदि आप निर्धारित लक्ष्य को पाने में असफल हो गए हैं तो इसका अर्थ यही नहीं है कि उस कार्य को करने में आप असक्षम हैं, बल्कि असफलता हमें यह बताती है कि कार्य प्रणाली में कहीं न कहीं कोई त्रुटि रह गई है।
Many times it also happens that the achievement of the predetermined goal seems impossible, in such a situation attention should also be paid to the things related to the predetermined goal. If you have failed to achieve the set goal, it does not mean that you are incapable of doing that work, rather failure tells us that there is some error somewhere in the working system.
लक्ष्य का निर्धारण सोच-समझकर करें, लक्ष्य निर्धारित करने से पूर्व खुद को जांच-परख लें। अपनी योग्यता क्षमता तथा रुचि पर विचार कर लें, न कि किसी के दबाव, बहकावे या देखा-देखी में लक्ष्य का निर्धारण कर लिया। लक्ष्य निर्धारण के पश्चात उसके प्रति समपर्ण भी मायने रखता है, बिना समपर्ण के लक्ष्य को पाना बेहद कठिन होता है। लक्ष्य निर्धारण में आत्मबल तथा आत्म विश्वास की अहम् भूमिका होती है। आत्मविकास के अभाव में सफलता सदिंग्ध हो जाती है।
Determine the goal thoughtfully, check yourself before setting the goal. Consider your ability, ability and interest, not someone's pressure, seduction or sight-seeing has determined the goal. After setting the goal, dedication towards it also matters, without dedication it is very difficult to achieve the goal. Self-confidence and self-confidence play an important role in goal setting. In the absence of self-development, success becomes doubtful.
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Darji Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Davadnya Matrimony in Kondumal, Dawoodi Bhora Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Deshastha Matrimony in Kondumal, Devandra Kula Vellalar Matrimony in Kondumal, Devadiga Matrimony in Kondumal, Devanga Matrimony in Kondumal, Dhaneshawat Vaish Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Dhiman Matrimony in Kondumal, Dhangar Matrimony in Kondumal, Dhoba Matrimony in Kondumal, Dhobi Matrimony in Kondumal, Dheevara Matrimony in Kondumal, Digambar Matrimony in Kondumal, Sindhi-Amil Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Rigvedi Matrimony in Kondumal, Devendra Kula Vellalar Matrimony in Kondumal, Dumal Matrimony in Kondumal, Dusadh (Paswan) Matrimony in Kondumal, Sindhi-Dadu Matrimony in Kondumal, Ediga Matrimony in Kondumal, Ezhava Matrimony in Kondumal, Ezhuthachan Matrimony in Kondumal, Gabit Matrimony in Kondumal, Ganda Matrimony in Kondumal, Rajput Matrimony in Kondumal, Kondumali Matrimony in Kondumal, Gawali Matrimony in Kondumal, Ghisadi Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Kondumali Matrimony in Kondumal, Sikh - Ghumar Matrimony in Kondumal, Devang Koshthi Matrimony in Kondumal, Gandla Matrimony in Kondumal, Ganiga Matrimony in Kondumal, Kondumal Matrimony in Kondumal, Kondumaln Matrimony in Kondumal, Gomantak Matrimony in Kondumal, Gomantak Maratha Matrimony in Kondumal, Gondhali Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Gowd Saraswat Matrimony in Kondumal, Goswami Matrimony in Kondumal, Goud Matrimony in Kondumal, Gounder Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Gour Matrimony in Kondumal, Gowda Matrimony in Kondumal, Gramani Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Gujar Gaur Matrimony in Kondumal, Ganigashetty Matrimony in Kondumal, Gudia Matrimony in Kondumal, Kondumal Matrimony in Kondumal, Gujjar Matrimony in Kondumal, Ghumar Matrimony in Kondumal, Gupta Matrimony in Kondumal, Gurav Matrimony in Kondumal, Gurjar Matrimony in Kondumal, Sikh - Gursikh Matrimony in Kondumal, Gavali Matrimony in Kondumal, Gavara Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Niyogi Matrimony in Kondumal, Sindhi-Sakkhar Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Havyaka Matrimony in Kondumal, Bhatraju Matrimony in Kondumal, Hegde Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Vaikhanasa Matrimony in Kondumal, Himachali Matrimony in Kondumal Maharashtra.
Hindu-Others Matrimony in Kondumal, Hugar (Jeer) Matrimony in Kondumal, Kondumal Sindhi Matrimony in Kondumal, Sindhi-Bhatia Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Namboodiri Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Daivadnya Matrimony in Kondumal, Sindhi-Sehwani Matrimony in Kondumal, Intercaste Matrimony in Kondumal, Sikh - Intercaste Matrimony in Kondumal, Irani Matrimony in Kondumal, Sindhi-Sahiti Matrimony in Kondumal, Sindhi-Rohiri Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Iyer Matrimony in Kondumal, Iyengar Matrimony in Kondumal, Iyer Matrimony in Kondumal, Jaalari Matrimony in Kondumal, Jaiswal Matrimony in Kondumal, Jandra Matrimony in Kondumal, Jangam Matrimony in Kondumal, Jat Matrimony in Kondumal, Sikh - Jat Matrimony in Kondumal, Jatav Matrimony in Kondumal, Jeer Matrimony in Kondumal, Rajbonshi Matrimony in Kondumal, Jogi (Nath) Matrimony in Kondumal, Jain-Others Matrimony in Kondumal, Kashyap Matrimony in Kondumal, Kachara Matrimony in Kondumal, Kadava Patel Matrimony in Kondumal, Kahar Matrimony in Kondumal, Kalal Matrimony in Kondumal, Kalinga Matrimony in Kondumal, Kalar Matrimony in Kondumal, Kalinga Vysya Matrimony in Kondumal, Kalwar Matrimony in Kondumal, Kamboj Matrimony in Kondumal, Kamma Matrimony in Kondumal, Kapu Naidu Matrimony in Kondumal, Kannada Mogaveera Matrimony in Kondumal, Kansari Matrimony in Kondumal, Kapu Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Karhade Matrimony in Kondumal, Karuneekar Matrimony in Kondumal, Karuneegar Matrimony in Kondumal, Kasar Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Kashmiri Pandit Matrimony in Kondumal, Katiya Matrimony in Kondumal, Kayastha Matrimony in Kondumal, Kaibarta Matrimony in Kondumal, Khandayat Matrimony in Kondumal, Keralite Matrimony in Kondumal, Sikh - Kesadhari Matrimony in Kondumal, Kharwar Matrimony in Kondumal, Khatri Matrimony in Kondumal, Khukhrain Matrimony in Kondumal, Khandelwal Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Kota Matrimony in Kondumal, Sikh - Kamboj Matrimony in Kondumal, Karmakar Matrimony in Kondumal, Kummari Matrimony in Kondumal, Koiri Matrimony in Kondumal, 96K Kokanastha Matrimony in Kondumal, Thakore Matrimony in Kondumal, Koli Matrimony in Kondumal, Kongu Vellala Gounder Matrimony in Kondumal, Konkani Matrimony in Kondumal, Kori Matrimony in Kondumal, Koshti Matrimony in Kondumal, Munnuru Kapu Matrimony in Kondumal, Karana Matrimony in Kondumal, Kshatriya Matrimony in Kondumal, Sikh - Kshatriya Matrimony in Kondumal, Khatik Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Kumoani Matrimony in Kondumal, Kudumbi Matrimony in Kondumal, Kulal Matrimony in Kondumal, Kulita Matrimony in Kondumal, Kulalar Matrimony in Kondumal, Kumawat Matrimony in Kondumal Maharashtra.
Kumbara Matrimony in Kondumal, Kumhar Matrimony in Kondumal, Kumbhakar Matrimony in Kondumal, Kumaoni Matrimony in Kondumal, Kunbi Matrimony in Kondumal, Kumaoni Rajput Matrimony in Kondumal, Kurumbar Matrimony in Kondumal, Kurmi Matrimony in Kondumal, Kuruba Matrimony in Kondumal, Kushwaha (Koiri) Matrimony in Kondumal, Kushwaha Matrimony in Kondumal, Kondumal Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Shrimali Matrimony in Kondumal, Lambadi Matrimony in Kondumal, Larai Sindhi Matrimony in Kondumal, Larkana Sindhi Matrimony in Kondumal, Lubana Matrimony in Kondumal, Leva Kondumaldar Matrimony in Kondumal, Leva patel Matrimony in Kondumal, Leva Kondumal Matrimony in Kondumal, LinKondumalth Matrimony in Kondumal, Lambani Matrimony in Kondumal, Sindhi-Lohana Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Paliwal Matrimony in Kondumal, Lodhi Rajput Matrimony in Kondumal, Lohana Matrimony in Kondumal, Lohar Matrimony in Kondumal, Sikh - Lubana Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Maharashtrian Matrimony in Kondumal, Madiga Matrimony in Kondumal, Goswami/Gosavi Brahmin Matrimony in Kondumal, Mahar Matrimony in Kondumal, Mahendra Matrimony in Kondumal, Mahishya Matrimony in Kondumal, Maharashtrian Matrimony in Kondumal, Kondumal Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Maithil Matrimony in Kondumal, Sikh - Majabi Matrimony in Kondumal, Majabi Matrimony in Kondumal, Variar Matrimony in Kondumal, Mali Matrimony in Kondumal, Malayalee Namboodiri Matrimony in Kondumal, Mangalorean Matrimony in Kondumal, Manipuri Matrimony in Kondumal, Mapila Matrimony in Kondumal, Maratha Matrimony in Kondumal, Maruthuvar Matrimony in Kondumal, Marvar Matrimony in Kondumal, Marwari Matrimony in Kondumal, Matang Matrimony in Kondumal, Mathur Matrimony in Kondumal, Maurya Matrimony in Kondumal, Meru Darji Matrimony in Kondumal, Mudaliar - Senguntha Matrimony in Kondumal, Mehra Matrimony in Kondumal, Meena Matrimony in Kondumal, Menon Matrimony in Kondumal, Mera Matrimony in Kondumal, Meru Matrimony in Kondumal, Mogaveera Matrimony in Kondumal, Mahajan Matrimony in Kondumal, Mahisya Matrimony in Kondumal, Mala Matrimony in Kondumal, Mallah Matrimony in Kondumal, Malayalee Matrimony in Kondumal, Monchi Matrimony in Kondumal, Dhiman Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Jhadua Matrimony in Kondumal, Meenavar Matrimony in Kondumal, Mochi Matrimony in Kondumal, Modak Matrimony in Kondumal, Others Matrimony in Kondumal, Mannuru Kapu Matrimony in Kondumal, Muthuraja Matrimony in Kondumal, Mudaliar Arcot Matrimony in Kondumal, Mudaliar Matrimony in Kondumal, Mudiraj Matrimony in Kondumal, Mukkulathor Matrimony in Kondumal, Mukulathur Matrimony in Kondumal Maharashtra.
Mudaliar Saiva Matrimony in Kondumal, Naagavamsam Matrimony in Kondumal, Nadar Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Nagar Matrimony in Kondumal, Naicker Matrimony in Kondumal, Naidu Matrimony in Kondumal, Naik Matrimony in Kondumal, Nair Matrimony in Kondumal, Nambiar Matrimony in Kondumal, Namosudra Matrimony in Kondumal, Napit Matrimony in Kondumal, Nath Matrimony in Kondumal, Nair Vaniya Matrimony in Kondumal, Nair Vilakkithala Matrimony in Kondumal, Nayaka Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Sri Vaishnava Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Bhatt Matrimony in Kondumal, Neeli Matrimony in Kondumal, Nepali Matrimony in Kondumal, Guptan Matrimony in Kondumal, Nhavi Matrimony in Kondumal, Naik/Nayaka Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin 6000 Niyogi Matrimony in Kondumal, Kuravan Matrimony in Kondumal, Namboodiri Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Danua Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Velanadu Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Modh Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Sanketi Matrimony in Kondumal, Namasudra Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Stanika Matrimony in Kondumal, Vaishya Vani Matrimony in Kondumal, OBC/Barber/Naayee Matrimony in Kondumal, Oriya Matrimony in Kondumal, Orthodox Matrimony in Kondumal, Oswal Matrimony in Kondumal, Otari Matrimony in Kondumal, Patel Dodia Matrimony in Kondumal, Padmasali Matrimony in Kondumal, Padmashali Matrimony in Kondumal, Panchal Matrimony in Kondumal, Pandaram Matrimony in Kondumal, Panicker Matrimony in Kondumal, Parsi Matrimony in Kondumal, Partraj Matrimony in Kondumal, Pasi Matrimony in Kondumal, Paswan Matrimony in Kondumal, Patel Desai Matrimony in Kondumal, Pathare Prabhu Matrimony in Kondumal, Patel Kadva Matrimony in Kondumal, Patel Leva Matrimony in Kondumal, Kondumal/Sistakaranam Matrimony in Kondumal, Patra Matrimony in Kondumal, Perika Matrimony in Kondumal, Pillai Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Pandit Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Panda Matrimony in Kondumal, Poosala Matrimony in Kondumal, Porwal Matrimony in Kondumal, Kondumal Matrimony in Kondumal, Parkava Kulam Matrimony in Kondumal, Protestant Matrimony in Kondumal, SKP Matrimony in Kondumal, Patel Matrimony in Kondumal, Kondumal Matrimony in Kondumal, Kondumal Leva Matrimony in Kondumal, Kondumal Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Punjabi Matrimony in Kondumal, Punjabi Matrimony in Kondumal, Raigar Matrimony in Kondumal, Sindhi-Shikarpuri Matrimony in Kondumal, Rajastani Matrimony in Kondumal, Rajbhar Matrimony in Kondumal, Rajput Matrimony in Kondumal, Rajput Rohella/Tank Matrimony in Kondumal, Sikh - Ramdasia Matrimony in Kondumal, Ramgariah Matrimony in Kondumal, Ramdasia Matrimony in Kondumal, Mudaliyar Matrimony in Kondumal, Sikh - Ravidasia Matrimony in Kondumal, Ravidasia Matrimony in Kondumal, Rawat Matrimony in Kondumal Maharashtra.
Brahmin - Others Matrimony in Kondumal, Reddy Matrimony in Kondumal, Relli Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Rarhi Matrimony in Kondumal, Rajaka Matrimony in Kondumal, Sikh - Rajput Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Jangra Matrimony in Kondumal, Rohiri Sindhi Matrimony in Kondumal, Urs Matrimony in Kondumal, Sadgope Matrimony in Kondumal, Saha Matrimony in Kondumal, Kokanastha Maratha Matrimony in Kondumal, Sahiti Sindhi Matrimony in Kondumal, Sahu Matrimony in Kondumal, Kondumal Matrimony in Kondumal, Sakkhar Sindhi Matrimony in Kondumal, Saliya Matrimony in Kondumal, Sikh - Kondumal Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Saraswat Matrimony in Kondumal, Savji Matrimony in Kondumal, Scheduled Caste Matrimony in Kondumal, Scheduled Tribe Matrimony in Kondumal, Sehwani Sindhi Matrimony in Kondumal, Senguntha Mudaliyar Matrimony in Kondumal, Sepahia Matrimony in Kondumal, Setti Balija Matrimony in Kondumal, Senai Thalaivar Matrimony in Kondumal, Shah Matrimony in Kondumal, Sikh - Clean Shaven Matrimony in Kondumal, Shewetamber Matrimony in Kondumal, Shia Matrimony in Kondumal, Shikarpuri Sindhi Matrimony in Kondumal, Shetty Matrimony in Kondumal, Sindhi-Baibhand Matrimony in Kondumal, Sindhi Matrimony in Kondumal, Sikh - Khatri Matrimony in Kondumal, Shimpi Matrimony in Kondumal, Somvanshi Matrimony in Kondumal, Sonar Matrimony in Kondumal, Soni Matrimony in Kondumal, Sikh - Others Matrimony in Kondumal, Sourashtra Matrimony in Kondumal, Saurashtra Matrimony in Kondumal, Sozhiya Vellalar Matrimony in Kondumal, Sikh - Ramgharia Matrimony in Kondumal, Sindhi-Larkana Matrimony in Kondumal, Srisayana Matrimony in Kondumal, Sindhi-Chhapru Matrimony in Kondumal, Sugali (Naika) Matrimony in Kondumal, Sunari Matrimony in Kondumal, Sundhi Matrimony in Kondumal, Sunni Matrimony in Kondumal, Sutar Matrimony in Kondumal, Suthar Matrimony in Kondumal, Swakula Sali Matrimony in Kondumal, Swarnakar Matrimony in Kondumal, Kalita Matrimony in Kondumal, Tamboli Matrimony in Kondumal, Tamil Matrimony in Kondumal, Tanti Matrimony in Kondumal, Tantubai Matrimony in Kondumal Maharashtra.
Tantuway Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Telugu Matrimony in Kondumal, Teli Matrimony in Kondumal, Telugu Matrimony in Kondumal, Thakkar Matrimony in Kondumal, Thatai Sindhi Matrimony in Kondumal, Devar/Thevar/Mukkulathor Matrimony in Kondumal, Thigala Matrimony in Kondumal, Thiyya Matrimony in Kondumal, Tili Matrimony in Kondumal, Kuruhina Shetty Matrimony in Kondumal, Telaga Matrimony in Kondumal, Tamil Yadava Matrimony in Kondumal, Togata Matrimony in Kondumal, Sikh - Tonk Kshatriya Matrimony in Kondumal, Tonk Kshatriya Matrimony in Kondumal, Thakur Matrimony in Kondumal, Turupu Kapu Matrimony in Kondumal, Udayar Matrimony in Kondumal, Nagaralu Matrimony in Kondumal, Uppara Matrimony in Kondumal, Urali Gounder Matrimony in Kondumal, Kumbhar Matrimony in Kondumal, Vaishnav Bhatia Matrimony in Kondumal, Vada Balija Matrimony in Kondumal, Vaddera Matrimony in Kondumal, Vaishnava Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Vaidiki Matrimony in Kondumal, Vaishnav Matrimony in Kondumal, Valluvan Matrimony in Kondumal, Valmiki Matrimony in Kondumal, Vaish Matrimony in Kondumal, Vania Matrimony in Kondumal, Vanjari Matrimony in Kondumal, Vanniyar Matrimony in Kondumal, Vannar Matrimony in Kondumal, Vaniya Matrimony in Kondumal, Varshney Matrimony in Kondumal, Vannia Kula Kshatriyar Matrimony in Kondumal, Vaishnav Vania Matrimony in Kondumal, Vadagalai Matrimony in Kondumal, Brahmin - Dravida Matrimony in Kondumal, Vellalar Devandra Kula Matrimony in Kondumal, Veerashaiva Matrimony in Kondumal, Veluthedathu Nair Matrimony in Kondumal, Velaan/Vellalar Matrimony in Kondumal, Vellalar Matrimony in Kondumal, Velama Matrimony in Kondumal, Vettuva Gounder Matrimony in Kondumal, Vilakkithala Nair Matrimony in Kondumal, Vishwakarma Matrimony in Kondumal, Viswabrahmin Matrimony in Kondumal, Koli Mahadev Matrimony in Kondumal, Vanjara Matrimony in Kondumal, Vankar Matrimony in Kondumal, Vokkaliga Matrimony in Kondumal, Veera Saivam Matrimony in Kondumal, Vaishnav Vanik Matrimony in Kondumal, Vysya Matrimony in Kondumal, Yadav Matrimony in Kondumal, Bunt (Shetty) Matrimony in Kondumal, Yellapu Matrimony in Kondumal Maharashtra.
समय नहीं मिलता समय नहीं मिलता यह कहना तो प्रमाद मात्र है फिर भी यदि दुर्भाग्यवश किसी को समय सचमुच ही नहीं मिलता तो जो जहाँ भी रहे मकान में, दफ्तर-दुकान में, कृषि में, कहीं भी रहकर तन से काम करता रहे, मन में हरि स्मरण करता रहे। जैसे कोई उत्तम विचार वाली देवी दुर्भाग्यवश किसी दुष्ट नास्तिक परिवार में ब्याही गई हो तो कि धन, बल व विद्या...
नकारात्मक चिन्तन को छोड़ें महर्षि दयानन्द के उद्गारों को यदि हम रचनात्मक रूप नहीं देते तो हम ऋषि ऋण से उऋण नहीं होंगे। यदि कुरीतियों का समर्थन करते रहे तो ऋषि के ग्रंथों को पढकर भी हम समाज की कायापलट नहीं कर पायेंगे। जिस बस्ती में हम रहते हैं, यदि उसमें हम आँखें बन्द कर लें तो आर्यत्व कितने प्रतिशत रह जायेगा? आर्यजन स्वयं ही इस बात पर...